Monday, October 29, 2007

Cybook Gen3 Specifications

Cybook Gen3 is a new generation eBook reader. It's using new and revolutionary eInk technology for displaying data. High resolution eInk display can be seen easily in direct sun and can be read at virtually any angle.

eInk is extremely power-efficient solid state display - the battery is used only to clear display or change displayed information. During reading process the Cybook Gen3 is mainly in sleep mode, waking up only to display next page.

As the Cybook Gen3 need battery only to change pages, the battery life is simply amazing. The following comparison information is from official Bookeen page:

Casual reader: 80 pages/day ~ 100 days (3 months)
Average reader: 160 pages/day ~ 50 days (1-2 months)
Heavy reader: 320 pages/day ~ 25 days (3 weeks)
Happy reading!

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